Key Trial Witnesses
- Maren Hontvet, surviving victim, testified that she heard her sister-in-law Anethe scream Wagner's name
- Ivan Christensen discovered his wife Antehe's body on Smuttynose.
- Jorges Ingebretsen found Maren Hontvet in shock on Smuttynose the morning after the murders and took her to Appledore Island for recovery.
- Ann Johnson, Wagner's Portsmouth landlady, testified that her tenant had not slept in his room on the night of the murders and arrived at the boarding house early the next morning
- Mary Johnson testified that Wagner was wind-burned and cut and agaitated when he arrived at the boardinghouse the morning after the murders. She also confirmed that the shirt found in the boardinghouse privy had belonged to Wagner.
- Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of New Castle saw a stranger walking from Little Harbor toward New Castle Bridge en route to Portsmouth on the morning after the murders. The following year, in 1874, they would become the initial proprietors of the new Wentworth Hotel.
- At least seven witnesses including two Amazeen brothers saw Wagner walking on the New Castle road to Portsmouth early on the morning of Marc 6, 1872 and crossing a washed out bridge hurriedly to get to Portsmouth
- Thomas Entwistle, assistant Portsmouth marshall, testified to the actions of the lynch mob and Wagner's words and activities at the police station.
- John Hontvet testified that he told Wagner the women were alone on the island and that he had saved at least $600 to buy a new fishing schooner.
- Mrs. Brown testified to Wagner's strange behavior and lies when he arrived in Boston at her boarding house
- Emma Miller, a former Boston prostitute, related Wagner's strange semi-confessional statements about killing two people and intending to kill a third.
- Boston policemen testified to Wagner's actions after his capture.
- Mr. Todtman, a Boston storekeeper, testified to Wagner's behavior, odd comments, and purchases in his shop the day after the murders.
- Clerk of York Country Court testified that Smuttynose Island is in the jurisdiction of Maine.
- Three fisherman testified that Wagner said he knew where to find money on the islands, but might have to murder to get it
- A Portsmouth bartender testified that he sold Wagner a drink before 8pm